Hacking My Way to 100+ Followers in 24 Hours + Next Steps: I Want to Support You + Write More

Paige J.
5 min readJan 22, 2022
Photo by Hai Tran on Unsplash

Last year, I joined Medium and was part of the Medium Partnership Program. Then the rules changed, which meant that if I were to stay in the Medium Partnership Program I would need 100 followers by the end of 2021.

I was hoping to organically reach 100 followers by writing articles about different topics of genuine interest to me, but having reached the month of December nowhere near 100 followers, I wondered what else I could do to achieve this goal. I had a few articles to write in mind, but I wondered if any article I’d write would help me reach the elusive 100 in such a short time.

A few articles about reaching 100 caught my eye and I ended up reading several. I then decided to “hack” my way to 100 followers using the follow-for-follow method.

I didn’t expect to reach over 100 followers in twenty-four hours in such a short time and want to thank everyone for their support, kindness, and encouragement. I truly appreciate it. (I wrote a haiku thank you that’s near the end of this article to further express my gratitude.)

I would like to pass on what I learned to help others. Here are my tips for reaching 100 followers.

  1. Write an article about wanting to work together with others to…



Paige J.

Posts for the post-pandemic (and during the pandemic).